The importance of data in healthcare cannot be ignored or underestimated. Data empowers doctors and facilities to learn about patients, track their health, conditions and medications, monitor critical stats, share information with other providers, specialists and organizations including insurance companies, and deliver improved patient care.

The more data that is available about a patient and the more easily that data can be collected, stored, accessed, and shared or exchanged, the better the patient outcome. Data lets patient information be organized, analyzed and used to identify potential comorbidities or contraindications. With data, patients are also empowered to take control of their own health.

Better data collection facilitates better reporting, allowing healthcare centers and providers to identify areas for improvement in both patient care and satisfaction. Better patient experiences lead to increased referral rates via word of mouth recommendations.

Data reporting can also provide critical statistically important information for sectors of healthcare that depend on federal or state funding. It can also help in times of crisis, allowing population health to be tracked and the spread of disease to be stopped in its tracks.

Improved data collection and reporting can maximize reimbursement and incentive payments through various programs designed to improve healthcare for marginalized populations. Reporting on various health measures can increase eligibility for incentive programs, leading to greater revenues year over year.

Types of Data Collected Across Healthcare Verticals

The different types of health data range from population health data from census and survey reports to claims data and insurance data from hospitals, vendors, insurers and other companies.

First-party patient health data such as medical history data and diagnostic data (including labs, imaging, etc.) helps providers create a clear picture of a patient's health; this may be obtained directly from a patient, in the course of an exam, or from another healthcare provider.

Healthcare providers often deal with highly sensitive data, such as Personally Identifying Information (PII) or Payment Processing Information (PPI). Personal health data including information about a patient's condition, prognosis, medication and mental state are legally protected, and must be gathered, stored, and shared in accordance with federal and state laws.

Cybersecurity is key when digitizing healthcare records or using a cloud provider, so ensure the partner you choose has standards that meet or exceed industry best practices before entrusting data to a third party for safekeeping.

How Healthcare Data Is Collected

Healthcare data comes from a variety of sources. It may be supplied verbally by a patient, or in written format on new patient forms. Alternatively, it may be obtained from a preexisting electronic health record (EHR) that has been accessed through a health information exchange (HIE).

Some data is gathered using patient surveys or feedback forms to help ascertain levels of patient satisfaction and inform future actions on the part of the healthcare organization. Other sources of data include research studies that can help doctors spot patterns and symptoms for more accurate diagnostics.

Finally, more and more data is coming in from devices connected to the Internet of Things, or IoT. Wearable devices can deliver vital health data from a patient directly to their doctor or specialist, keeping track of heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar and sleep patterns. Technology is constantly improving data collection methods and making it easier to obtain real-time health data that can save lives.

Steps for Improving Data Collection in Healthcare

These steps can help improve your organization's healthcare data collection practices, and go beyond that to facilitating secure sharing and exchange of data.

Inventory the data you have already collected
What data are you currently collecting? Review your current database and look for duplicate records, misformatting or different file types. Standardize your existing files and pinpoint where your staff is constantly having to ask for additional information to fill in gaps in your data.

Identify gaps in your data that could be causing issues with patient care
Specifically look for missing data that impacts patient care. Not having a preferred mode of contact on file can slow down the process of following up with a patient for important updates on lab results. Lack of current insurance information can cause confusion during billing processes.

Develop ways to collect that data
Find ways to include steps in the patient journey that automatically generate the data you need. This can include having patients complete a quick data update when they arrive for a new appointment, or sending one question surveys that include a data verification step to ensure you have the latest information.

Educate all staff on data collection practices
Everyone on your staff should be focused on patient experience and patient satisfaction. Being able to query a patient appropriately for missing data, take down the information and correctly input it into your system is key to maintaining a clean, accurate and up-to-date data set that is ready to be stored, accessed and shared as required for patient care.

Integrate your data across platforms
Part of having a standardized set of data is the ability to integrate across platforms and improve communication between patients and providers, providers and providers, and providers and insurers. A data integration partner can help you ensure that all of your patient information is both easily accessible and fully secure, helping you avoid information blocking penalties while safeguarding patient privacy.

Take action based on your data
The more data you have, the more you can do with it. Your upgraded data can be utilized to provide you with a wealth of information about your patient base. This can in turn empower you to streamline workflows, improve patient communications and experience, enhance reporting and increase revenues.

How Tangible can help improve data collection practices

Tangible is your ideal healthcare integration partner, providing connectivity for clinical integrated networks, quality reporting, and integration platform as a service solutions (IPaaS) to help you improve data collection processes, streamline data storage and sharing, and protect your data for heightened standards of patient care and maximized patient satisfaction. Request a demo today.